Sperel Awareness
Since sperels have begun playing such a big role in the current events of today, it is becoming increasingly important for everyone to know what these creatures look like and what we all are to do if we should happen to sight one.
Sperels are a winged type of creature, redeemable only for their usefulness in the area of harvesting melmire. They are pale skinned and stand approximately three feet tall. Sperels have recently caught the concerned attention of authorities everywhere, due to a new disease called sperelitis. Currently, the only known hosts of the disease are the unsanitary little sperels in the Mulldrum harvesting factory. However, scientists who have studied sperelitis have repeatedly warned of the alarming speed at which the disease claims new victims. The next outbreak could occur anywhere. The next victim could be anyone. The best way to prevent this disease from spreading across species is to avoid coming into contact with sperels.
Unfortunately, the depiction on this page does not display the sperel with an open mouth, otherwise you would be able to see the sharp set of fangs with which the wretched little creatures inject their venomous disease. Furthermore, the sperel shown here is merely a conceptual illustration; the word conceptual here meaning that the artist has never actually seen a sperel with his own eyes and therefore could not possibly illustrate an entirely accurate representation. In other words, the drawing you see on this page is based only on whatever reference material was available, which in this case happened to be vague and incomplete descriptions from second-hand accounts. As such is the case, you should not approach any creature that even remotely resembles the one pictured. You wouldn't want to catch sperelitis would you? If you should see an animal in the wild which you believe to be a sperel: In other words, don't do anything that might provoke the creature to attack. Safety should always be your first priority. If you are interested in learning more about sperels and their pesky ways, then you should simply read The Flight of A Sperel. |